Manufactures produce straightened and cut wires from coils with the help of specialized machines that straighten wire and cut it to exact lengths. Machines have a robust design that offers a wide range of production options to meet exact wire specifications. Wires are guided through systems by a series of feed wheels that lead through dual spinner assemblies. Wires are then cut to length by a high-speed, flying shear. A shear creates a flush and square-cut while operating at maximum operating speeds.

Machines ensure a constant straightening angle (under all conditions) by gearing between the feed and spinner drives. This function ensures that the final pieces of metal have optimal straightness.
To meet each client’s exact need, a wire is cut to exact lengths. The system is programmed to measure cuts using high-tech measurement devices. The system consistently cuts metal to exact lengths, but making changes is not difficult or costly because systems are programmable.
Final pieces exit the machine’s runout and are then dropped and organized into small bundles (floor-mounted collection units). Finally, straighten and cut wires are end aligned.
Straighten and Cut Wire
Straighten and cut wire are used in various industries and applications. Some of these include:
- Concrete Reinforcement
- Automotive Industry
- Steel Supply Centers
- Transportation Industry
- Powerline and Pole Hardware
- Outdoor Furniture
- Display and Shelving Assemblies