It is important to recognize that the metal coating chosen for electroplating matters. Not just for your bottom line but the performance characteristics of the material. Metals share similarities, but each is unique and different, so none should be used interchangeably. Electroplating utilizes precious metals the have characteristics that lead to superior results/performance. Picking the best precious metals for electroplating depends on several factors, which include:

- Application
- Industry
- Budget
- Environment
Before understanding how to pick precious metals for electroplating, it is important to understand them. These metals are naturally occurring metallic elements that are often rare. When compared to base metals, the precious metal has a higher economic value. As a result of this value, precious metals are used in a wide array of important industries.
The quality and performance of a precious metal offer high-level quality and performance advantages that are not available with base metals. In certain cases, the best possible choice is precious metals. Consider using these metals under these three specific circumstances.
High Levels of Corrosion Resistance – base metals are often highly reactive, whereas precious metals are not. A precious metal oxidizes slowly and is naturally able to resist corrosion even in harsh environments.
Conductivity – precious metals, and especially gold, can efficiently conduct electricity. When creating high-quality parts and components for the telecommunication and electronics industry, you should strongly consider gold wire plating or other precious metals.